
Using UDF as an improved filesystem for USB Flash Drives

Ever tried to copy something onto a USB flash drive, only to discover that the file was too big to copy?

This is because most USB Flash drives are formatted using the FAT32[1] filesystem - which only supports individual files up to 4 GB in size, no matter how much free space you’ve got. It also only supports drives up to 2 TB, can’t store symbolic links, can’t store files with these characters in the name: "*/:<>?\| – and is generally pretty crappy.

The solution is to use a better filesystem

There are many filesystems to choose from - but there are a few criteria that a good USB flash drive filesystem needs to meet which cut down the choices quite a bit:

  • Compatible with every computer - just plug it in, and it should work
  • Has no permissions, or optional permissions, so you don’t need to be logged in as the same user everywhere you want to access the files
  • Can handle large files and volumes, special characters and is reliable - is a proper modern filesystem
  • Ideally, is an open standard, isn’t patent encumbered - or at the very least has a solid open implementation.

A better filesystem: The Candidates

hfs+Linux, MacOS(✓)

So, the winner is…​ UDF[4]. This filesystem is mostly used for DVD’s - but supports full random access read/write storage, like any general purpose filesystem. Pretty much all OS’s can read DVD’s out of the box, and it supports large files and volumes. Every OS since Windows 95 can read UDF natively, and almost all of them can write to it too.

The fly in the ointment, as usual, is older versions of Windows. Windows 95–2003 can’t write to UDF volumes natively - you need extra 3rd party software. Windows Vista, 7 & 8 can both read and write to UDF volumes, though. See here for a full list of OS compatibility. Microsoft are now calling UDF the ‘Live File System’[5] and are still assuming it’s just for DVD’s.

Formatting your USB Flash Drive with UDF

To format your USB Flash drive using UDF, you need to do the following:

You’ll probably need to install udftools first:

$ sudo apt-get install udftools

then wipe the existing partition table, to prevent the drive being detected as FAT. Assuming your USB drive is /dev/sdi:

$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdi bs=1M count=1

Then format it as UDF:

$ sudo mkudffs -b 512 --media-type=hd --utf8 --lvid=DriveLabel --vid=DriveLabel --fsid=DriveLabel  /dev/sdi

Change DriveLabel to whatever you want to drive to be called. Linux doesn’t seem to take any notice of this, but apparently windows displays lvid as the drive label.

If you need out of the box compatibility back to Windows 95, you can add this:


otherwise you’ll get Windows XP and up [6].

The -b 512 parameter forces a file system block size equal to the USB stick’s physical block size - as required by the UDF specification. It’ll probably work without this, but it’s a good idea to set this to ensure maximum compatibility & reliability. Change the 512 if you’re lucky enough to have a USB flash drive with a larger block size. To find out what the physical block size is, run this:

$ sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdi | grep -i physical
Logical/Physical Sector size:           512 bytes

This worked well for me on Xubuntu Linux: the performance is good, I was able to copy some virtual machines from one computer to another - a total of 11.5 GB of files, with individual files up to 6.5 GB each - without any problems.

There are some Mac instructions here which I haven’t tried — and I have no idea how you do this on Windows; let me know in the comments if you do.

Footnotes & References:

I owe most of this to Tanguy Ortolo’s excellent blog post which you can find here & this Arch linux forum post.

  1. FAT32 - File Allocation Table (FAT) is the name of a computer file system architecture and a family of proprietary file systems utilizing it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAT32#FAT32
  2. For Linux, this isn’t included in the kernel, as it’s proprietary. You need to install exfat-fuse & exfat-utils for this to work.
  3. For Linux, this isn’t included in the kernel, as it’s proprietary. You need to install ntfs-3g for this to work
  4. Universal Disk Format (UDF) - is a profile of the specification known as ISO/IEC 13346 and ECMA-167 and is an open vendor-neutral file system for computer data storage for a broad range of media: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Disk_Format
  5. Which CD or DVD format should I use?: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/which-cd-or-dvd-format-should-i-use
  6. UDF has Multiple revisions: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Disk_Format#Revisions

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