
The last thing we need right now is new fossil fuel projects. Send a message to Minister Steven Guilbeault and key cabinet ministers, calling on them to reject the Bay Du Nord project and investing in a just transition instead: https://act.leadnow.ca/bay-du-nord-ett/

This is what I wrote, if anyone wants some ideas:

To Minister Guilbeault and cabinet,

I’m writing to you to urge you to reject the Bay du Nord offshore drilling project.

Oil and Gas is ~26% of Canada’s emissions - AND this is ONLY the emissions from production - not the emissions from burning all that fuel for transport, heating etc…​ the Oil and Gas industry needs to go away, ASAP. Fossil fuels must stay in the ground to have any chance of getting to zero.

No approvals for new fossil fuel extraction projects, ever …

Continue reading “Write to Minister Guilbeault Opposing Bay Du Nord Offshore Oil Development”

I’ve just emailed my UK MP to complain about government corruption & Owen Patterson. You should do the same. As always, we need as many people as possible to speak out.

This is what I wrote, if anyone wants some ideas:

<My Name>
<My Address>
<My Email Address>

Dear <MP Name>,

Like many others, I am angered - but not very surprised - by the latest revelations of government corruption, revealed by the corrupt behaviour of Owen Patterson.

I do have to admit to being slightly surprised that the government’s reaction to this was naked collusion and a blatant attempt to water down the rules & standards!

The existing Committee on Standards needs to be strengthened, not weakened by the introduction of another Conservative-dominated committee overseeing its work.

The government needs to adopt the recommendations of numerous independent bodies - such as the …

Continue reading “You Should Write to Your UK MP about Corruption Now”