How to allow python (or anything else) to listen/bind to port 80 without being root
Ninja is a surprisingly nice build system for tiny projects. That's more or less the opposite of what it's designed for, but it works really well for tiny things.
The content-type guessing done by AWS CLI is based on the mimetype definitions available on your system. You can improve the mimetype guessing by updating these definitions.
I had an issue where the AWS CLI wasn't guessing the content-type of SVG files correctly on sync and was setting them to `application/octet-stream` - the default "I don't know" mimetype. This is a quick fix for that.
How to slugify strings in bash, using a fairly simple function.
Sometimes I want to resolve several promises at once, then do something when they're all done. For example, make several API calls, then do something with all the results. Promise.allSettled is a better way to do this.
My new favourite thing in JS is Nullish coalescing: The nullish coalescing operator (??) is a logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand.