
Want “Reader Mode” for almost the entire web - and have every page load nearly instantly? Here’s how.

There are three main constellations of Web Browsers - ones based on Google’s Blink rendering engine (used in Google Chrome, MS Edge, Vivaldi, Brave and others), ones based on WebKit (used in Safari on MacOS & iOS 7 iPadOS) - and on Mozilla’s Geko engine (used by Firefox & Thunderbird).

There are also a few other, “non-mainstream browsers”, that have their own engines. Cosmic wanderers, not part of the main constellations, that chart their own course, building everything themselves: Flow, Servo, LadyBird, NetSurf - and Dillo-Plus.

Dillo Plus has a Tiny Superpower

Actually, the Dillo-Plus browser has quite a few tiny superpowers - but the one I’m interested in is its ability to ignore all the CSS styles from the website and load your CSS …

Continue reading “Super Fast Reader Mode for the Entire Web, with Dillo Plus”

How to use an existing instance of a browser to debug in VSCode - instead of always launching a new one, or use debug in Brave.

How to use git hashes - or other environment variables in Vite & Vue 3

I run a Miniflux instance on my desktop computer, which fetches all my feeds and makes the content available locally.

Inspired by a discussion the other day on HackerNews, I wrote a little script that asks Miniflux for a list of my feeds in OPML format and turns it into an AsciiDoc page, which I publish on here, as my BlogRoll & Links page:

import os
import sys
import urllib.request
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from datetime import datetime

key = os.environ["MINIFLUX_API_KEY"]

if not key:
    print("$MINIFLUX_API_KEY not set.")

url = "http://miniflux.home/v1/export"
hdr = {"X-Auth-Token": key}
request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=hdr)
opml = ET.fromstring(urllib.request.urlopen(request).read())
updated = datetime.now().astimezone().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat(" ")

header = f"""
:title: Blogroll & Links
:slug: blogroll-links
:created: 2022-11-15 13 …
Continue reading “Automatically Publishing a Blogroll from an OPML File”

Tag Icon in the shape of a luggage tag
Figure 1. This pages tag list is using this tag icon from FontAwesome. This is a 550 byte SVG file, 346 bytes gzipped.

If you want to use SVG icons on a website and style them with CSS - then the SVG needs to be inline - i.e. the SVG markup needs to be included with the rest of the pages HTML markup.

Unfortunately putting things inline means that they can’t be cached. In this article I’ll show one way to get around this - and get the best of both worlds: inline styleable SVG icons, with caching!

Continue reading “Styleable Inline SVG Icons, with Caching & Fallback”

cssmin is unmaintained & has a bug with complex :is selectors

Sometimes I want to have a just a tiny bit of CSS that’s unique, just for one page or post. I don’t want a whole stylesheet, or to have to add this to my site-wide theme, just for one post – I want a simple way to add it in the post itself.

This is how I did it:

Continue reading “Custom Per Page CSS With Pelican”

You can use the new CSS :is selector to write complex CSS selectors in a much more compact way

The content-type guessing done by AWS CLI is based on the mimetype definitions available on your system. You can improve the mimetype guessing by updating these definitions.

I had an issue where the AWS CLI wasn't guessing the content-type of SVG files correctly on sync and was setting them to `application/octet-stream` - the default "I don't know" mimetype. This is a quick fix for that.