Flag of Brazil

I’ve recently been corresponding with Denny Dias, from Brazil, who’s converted his blog over to Pelican - and we’ve been helping each other out a bit with building themes and whatnot.

He’s written up his conversion & theme building process - and was generous enough to credit me after he borrowed some of my theme’s logic, from this blog’s GitHub repo.

As he’s such a nice guy - and as I’ve just borrowed his tagsort jinja filter for my blog’s tag page, I though I’d return the favour - cheers Deny! :)

Continue reading “Obrigado Deny!”

I’m going to build on Jamie Zawinski’s excellent advice about backups, which you should read first. This is basically that, but with some extra bits. If this seems too complex, then just do what he says.

The plan is to use Backupninja to backup everything to an external USB drive – and also to Amazon S3 or Dropbox, depending on what it is. Backupninja provides a centralized way to configure and schedule many different backup utilities, just by dropping a few simple configuration files into /etc/backup.d/.

I have a multiple hard disk setup for my desktop Linux box - my /home folders live on one disk and / lives on another one. I don’t want to backup everything from the system disk - I can re-install it in 10 mins, and I don’t really want to complicate this …

Continue reading “Comprehensive Linux Backups with etckeeper & backupninja”

I recently needed to convert some FLAC music files from the increasingly common 48 bit encoding, down to 16 bit at 44100 kHz, so that they’ll play on my Sonos. Here’s how to do it:

If you don’t already have sox installed, do this to install it:

$ sudo apt-get install sox

Then run this to do the conversion, in the folder with music in:

$ mkdir resampled
$ for flac in *.flac; do sox -S "${flac}" -r 44100 -b 16 ./resampled/"${flac}"; done

And that’s it - it will convert all the .flac files in that folder to 16 bit at 44100 kHz and put the result into the ./resampled subfolder, preserving the metadata.

Continue reading “How to convert FLAC files from 24/48 bit to 16 bit on Ubuntu Linux”

A trip report from our Canada Day 2013 long weekend kayak camping trip to Thormanby Islands, Smuggler Cove & Secret Cove, on the sunshine coast.

thormanby trip map
Figure 1. We started at Welcome Beach on Saturday afternoon, kayaked over to Thormanby for lunch, then up and round to Buccaneer Bay - stunning camp on the dunes, then over to Smugglers Cove on Sunday. Camped there Sunday night, with a trip to Secret Cove in the afternoon, then back to Welcome Beach on Monday morning. (Map screenshot courtesy and copyright Google Maps. Annotations added by me.)

Welcome Beach to Thormanby

On Saturday morning, we packed up our tent & got picked up by Erika from Talaysay Tours, who drove us, with the Kayak on the roof, to Welcome Beach, about 15 mins further up Highway 101, past Sechelt.

We unloaded the Kayak, took it down to …

Continue reading “Sunshine Coast: Thormanby Islands & Smuggler Cove Kayak Trip”

Compressing Limited Colour PNG images

Most of the .PNG files on this site are the ‘blueprint’ style diagrams, like this one:

Blueprint style diagram showing an optical microscope. The sample inside is magnified in a bubble to 2500 times, showing it to be a complex, detailed paisley pattern.
Figure 1. This illustration is a large 5.6MB SVG file, mostly because of the very detailed paisley pattern that I used. Exported to PNG - and then compressed using the process below, you can get this down to 118.5kB.

I create these in Inkscape as vector .SVG files & export them to bitmap .PNG files. I then re-compress them, to ensure that the image files that are used on the live website are as small & quick to load as possible.

As these diagrams have a fairly limited colour palette, I can get lots of extra compression by reducing the colour depth of the final .PNG files from the default 32bit (millions of colours) to 8bit (256 colours) - without any …

Continue reading “How I compress PNG files on this website”

Thunar's icon

Thunar - XFCE & XUbuntu’s small but perfectly formed file manager - has a simple mechanism that allows you to easily add new commands to the right click menu of files and folders. These are called Custom Actions and are easy to create…​ here’s how to do it.

Click the Edit menu, then click ‘Configure custom actions…​‘. This will take you to the Custom Actions Manager, where you can create, edit or delete your custom actions.

You can enter anything into the command box, including complex bash scripts, names of scripts or executables on the PATH, or the full path and filename of the command you want to run.

thunar custom actions edit 1

On the ‘Appearance Conditions‘ tab, you tell Thunar when you want your item to appear in the right click menu:

thunar custom actions edit 3
Figure 1. Now, when I right click on a text file, I …
Continue reading “Useful Thunar Custom Actions”

This is a Pelican plugin to calculate various statistics about a post and store them in an article.stats dictionary. You can see this in action in the sidebar on the left of this site.

Nice touch from medium.com - now available in Pelican.

I wanted to implement the nice little “X min read” thing from Medium - and it turned out that it was easy to provide a few other interesting stats at the same time, for people to use in their templates.

The returned article.stats dictionary contains the following:

  • wc: how many words
  • read_mins: how many minutes would it take to read this article, based on 250 wpm
  • word_counts: frequency count of all the words in the article; can be used for tag/word clouds
  • fi: Flesch-kincaid Index/ Reading Ease
  • fk: Flesch-kincaid Grade Level

For example:

    'wc': 2760,
    'fi': '65.94',
    'fk': '7.65',
    'word …
Continue reading “Post Statistics Plugin for Pelican”

reddit bots diagram
Figure 1. How much does a software bot weigh, anyway? Heavily modified & adapted from the original public domain robot on openclipart, posted by johnny_automatic.

reddit, the insanely popular internet community, had 71,435,935 unique visitors last month, with over 2,360,783 people logged in [1].

I say people - but it turns out that not all the denizens of reddit are human. There are also bots. Lots and lots of bots. How many? No-one really knows. [2]

This is an interesting and somewhat shadowy facet of the otherwise very public reddit community, so I thought I’d take a closer look…​

What is a reddit bot?

A reddit bot is no different from any other user, as far as reddit is concerned. The only difference is that rather than a human logging in to upvote cat pictures and …

Continue reading “A Marvellous & Incomplete Compendium of reddit Automatons & Bots”

stackoverflow logo is made of people diagram
Figure 1. StackOverflow is made of people - lots and lots and lots of people.

Seemingly like everything else in the world, Stack Overflow is getting more & more competitive as time passes. Gaining a good reputation - and even finding good questions to answer - is becoming harder and harder, as more and more people compete for less and less unanswered questions.

This is fantastic if you want to find an answer - but makes it much harder for newcomers to get started and build a reputation on the site.

This guide will help you jump-start your reputation on StackOverflow and help you get more out of the site.

How to find questions you can answer

Ignored & Favourite Tags

Screenshot of part of my (very long) ignored tags list from Stack Overflow
Figure 2. I don’t know jack: Screenshot of part of my (long) ignored tags list from Stack Overflow

Use the no answers page, the …

Continue reading “The Smart Guide to Stack Overflow: Zero to Hero”

I switched my XFCE machines over to use Compton for window compositing today - and it’s a noticeable improvement.

A compositor glues your stacks of windows together to form the final image that you see on screen. It’s responsible for any fancy effects like drop-shadows, as well drawing windows while dragging, resizing and minimizing or maximizing them. [1]

Compton does this beautifully. It does one thing and it does it well. It provides glassy smooth, tear free compositing and supports a few tasteful effects - drop shadows, fades and transparency.

I stumbled across this while searching for something else and found a great guide in the NeoWin forums [2], where most of this info comes from, so thanks ViperAFK.

Switch off the existing compositor

Screenshot of the XFCE Applications menu, with the Settings Manager highlighted.

You’ll need to switch of any existing compositing you’ve got running, otherwise this won …

Continue reading “How to switch to Compton for beautiful tear free compositing in XFCE